ETF Sage
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About Us
Equity: Canada
Broad Market
Sector Specific
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
Mid-Cap and/or Small-Cap
Minimum Volatility
Social & Environmental
Actively Managed: Canada Equity
Equity: USA
Broad Market
Mid Cap
Small Cap
Sector Specific
Minimum Volatility
Actively Managed: USA Equity
Equity: Other
EAFE (Europe, Australasia and Far East)
Far East/Asia
Emerging Markets
BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China)
Latin America
Global/World excluding Canada
Developed World excluding Canada
Commodity exploration / production / extraction / services
Style: Growth / Value / Momentum
Fundamental Index-based
Equal-Weighted Index
Minimum Volatility
Actively Managed: Other Equity
Equity Income
Canada & USA
Preferred Shares
Fundamental Index-based
Actively Managed: Canada Equity Income
Actively Managed: USA Equity Income
Actively Managed: Other Equity Income
Fixed Inc.: Canada
Broad (Government & Corporate)
Government Sector
Corporate Sector
Convertible Bonds
Real Return Bonds (RRBs)
Floating Rate Notes
Money Market
Ultra Short-Term (maturity: less than 1 year)
Short-Term (maturity: 1 to 5 years)
Mid-Term (maturity: 5 to 10 years)
Long-Term (maturity: 10+ years)
Target Maturity
Laddered portfolio
Barbell portfolio
Actively Managed: Canada Fixed Income
Fixed Inc.: Other
USA Broad (Government & Corporate)
USA Corporate Sector
USA Short-Term (maturity: 1 to 5 years)
USA Mid-Term (maturity: 5 to 10 years)
USA Non-investment Grade / Junk Bonds
USA Leveraged Loans
Global/World excluding Canada
Emerging Markets
Fundamental Index-based
Tactical Bond
Actively Managed: USA Fixed Income
Actively Managed: Other Fixed Income
Multi-Asset Class
Actively Managed: Covered Call Strategies
Actively Managed: Put Writes Strategies
Actively Managed: Alternative Strategies
Actively Managed: Multi-Asset Class
Managed Futures
Fact Sheet
Fund Data: TSX
Fund Data: Morningstar
BMO Equal Weight Utilities Index ETF - ZUT
Fund Data (TSX data courtesy of
TMX Money
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